Mittwoch, 9. September 2009

Review Book: "Mouches Volantes - Eye Floaters as Shining Structure of Consciousness" published on

5.0 out of 5 stars Mouches Volantes, 20 Aug 2009
By Tami Brady "Whole Health Therapist" (Calgary, Canada) -
Mouches Volantes is the story of the metaphysical journey of the author. The path starts out with the author seeking out an antique secretaire. His intention is to purchase the item, refurbish it, and then sell it for a good profit. The owner of the piece is a strange man named Nestor who eventually agrees to sell the secretaire but only if the author does all of the restoration work at this man's house.

At the time, the author thinks this request odd but is willing to go to a little trouble to get this fine antique. However, it doesn't take long before he realizes that something very strange is happening. The work is so physically draining and painful that tasks that should take a few short hours stretches into weeks and months. The author soon learns that this is a very special item which requires the perfect restoration and a completely different view of the world.

Mouches Volantes is a fascinating journey. The title refers to what optometrists call eye floaters, little structures seen when in bright light. In scientific terms these images are harmless and tend to become more common as we age. In this book, eye floaters are extremely significant as they are a call to a different type of consciousness. In essence, they show the potential to take oneself out of the small everyday world to gain an entirely different perspective.

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